Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sungei Buloh Natural Reserve

Went to Sungei Buloh Natural Reserve today with my family.
Here's the photos. Apologize for the amatuer phototaking skills.
I only used my handphone camera, so the quality is a little crap.
So the photos:
Some kind of flower.

Can you see the tree-climbing crab?

Look at the cool jagged leaves.

Can you see the mudskipper?

The wasp.

Flowers of Water Hyacinth.

Another flower.

Yet another bunch of flowers.

Flowers of lily plant.

A view of Zhiyi's country.

Spiderman, spiderman... Big spider eh?

A view of Sungei Buloh.


Red flowers.

Another view of Sungei Buloh.

Another view of Sungei Buloh, can you see the birds? (White part in the middle)

Some red flowers.


Some kind of green fruits.

Two green striped bees on the flower.

A monitor lizard swimming.

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